Tag Cloud
knowledge (1) learning (1)Speaking
Upcoming talks
None planned as of now. NEW PAGE
Speaking History
- Ng-vegas - Ionic - The Happy Path to Mobile Apps - Presentation deck
- Rocky Mountain AngularJS - Ionic Framework
- OKC ThunderPlains - Mobile Applications with JS and Ionic (video)
- OKC Ruby - Using the Invoker gem for multiple processes and applications
- OKCjs - Javascript Build System Showdown
- OKCjs Lighting Talks - Advanced Javascript Debugging Techniques
- KCDC - Moving Forward with Phonegap/Cordova Plugins
- KCDC - Javascript Build System Showdown
- IgniteOKC 5 - Face Fear and Love Life
- OKC.js - Grunt.js
- OKC Ruby - Rails Engines
- OKC Developers Group - Unity as a DI Container