Thinking in Bets - Book Review

After reading "Thinking Fast and Slow", I've always wanted to learn more about Annie Duke and her rise to glory through probabilities in poker. Being a (very very very rookie) poker player myself, I thought it best to cover Annie Duke's "Thinking In Bets". Annie takes a shot at explaining how probability thinking and cognitive biases tend to hang out together.

What you do is who you are - Book Review

Ben Horowitz comes out and says what we all need to be reminded of constantly - what you do in this world leaves your mark on it. His title gets right to the point of whatever you do in life really states who you are regardless of your beliefs. Integrity is that thing you live out when no one is looking.

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It - Book Review

Love Your Self Like Your Life Depends On it is a book written by a previous Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Kamal Ravikant. Kamal starts the book in a fashion that is vulnerable and straight to the point, one that I even could relate to. Kamal writes that he was once a prominent tech figure and finds a struggle in writing the book due to his failure. In his correspondances with James Altucher who says, "I don't do a post now unless I'm worried about what people will think of me."

Super Thinking - Book Review

I've been working my way through Seth Godin's 2019 fall book list recently and just finished a book recommendation that aimed to capture mental models. I became very interested in mental models many years ago after reading a blog post by Slava Akhmechet about mental models. Sure, I was conscious and active in thinking in mental models, but I hadn't had the formal 'mindset shift' by putting a label on it and looking for additional mental models to my repertoire. This book was my explicit branching out model for such an adventure.

Status Anxiety - Book Review

I've recently finished the audiobook Status Anxiety by Alain De Botton. I somehow stumbled among Alain from Audible suggesting his books to me. One could suspect this is due to my mass consumption of prior philosophy and self-help style of books.

Atomic Habits - Book Review

Atomic Habits is a book by James Clear that outlines some clear steps to follow and rules to abide by in the quest to change habits. James calls the book atomic habits because it's focused on the tiniest changes that one can make that have a big impact.

Mindset - book review

I just finished reading Mindset: The psychology of success. I picked it up because it has been high on my list of books to read in the last year. The final driving point to read the book came after reading Switch: How to change things when change is hard.

Start Finishing - Book Review

I'm currently diving into a book recommended by Seth Godin - Start Finishing. This book is primarily aimed at supplying people with additional approachs to tackling 'important problems'.

Clean Architecture - Book Review

I've recently read and held a nerd book club at work regarding Clean Architecture. Overall, I found this read easy to grok and entertain a few new ideas about software development. Uncle Bob also had a few things on his blog post about this topic.