Half year check in
Being it the 28th of June, and having June come and gone so quickly, I wanted to check in with myself to see how this year in review was going.
- Had my first year anniversary at Amazon.
- Working on some fun and interesting challenges.
- Got a new truck - 2020 4Runner - an excuse for not being able to take a summer vacation anywhere.
- Had camping adventures (Storm Mtn, Turtle Rock, Taylor Park).
- Got into a new hobby of off roading / overlanding (just getting into it via Youtube videos).
- Visited my family in Oklahoma over the break.
- I'm reading more. At the time of writing this, I've completed 24 books, about 4 books a month.
- Working from home.
Low lights
- Pandemic.
- Lives lost in America.
- The nation splitting across further, race, masks, politcal affiliations.. it's nuts.
- Dog having some paw issues that I haven't figured out yet.
Things to do better
- Get more camping trips planned.
- Get Majh to the vet again for a checkin on her paw situation.
- Get more parts for the truck to support traveling and working remotely.
- Be kind to everyone and remind them we are all in this together.
Things I'm looking forward to
- Week long trips to go around america in my new car (I really need to decide on some destinations)
- Camping trip to Pagosa Springs, Durango, Telluride, and Crested Butte.
Thoughts about my habits and systems
I've really enjoyed ramping up my audiobook and reading habits. I've been doing pretty well on my walking the dog habit and listening to an audio book. I've also kept to my nightly habit of leaving my phone and watch in my office and not allowing it near my bedside unless I'm traveling or out of my normal routine.
My reading habit is solid - I keep my Kindle near my bed, or I have a habit of reading in my office before going to bed. Even if it is only a sentence, or paragraph, or sometimes an entire chapter. I've remained to not break my Kindle streak, which is doing it's job to keep my addicted to the chase of reading. At the time of writing this, I'm 30 weeks in a row, for a total of 162 days in a row. This was due to sometime January where I had a single day where I forgot to hold to this habit.. That will drive me nuts now, but a lesson to keep reading.
Regarding working out, I was near that goal but had some delays. Firstly, while getting into the quarantine, Jamie and I had begun training almost daily. We had some drilling that we were doing along with some light sparring. One day, Jamie accidently pushed my knee in and had a small hyperextension on my knee. This set me back a few weeks, as I had some pain and popping while walking. I am mostly back to normal now, but still not in a daily habit of working out. There is no excuse here, I am just being lazy and investigating other hobbies, namely, off roading.
Additionally, I've cut down on my alcohol consumption. It really doens't leave me feeling well, so I've not had a hard time giving that up. I will occasionally have some in a public setting with friends, be it a simple cider or snowmelt from Upslope.
My weight currently sits at 191.4, which I hope my scale is not wrong. I've been fluctuating around 194-197, so this is a low of the scale is correct.
My writing habit is not going well. I will be honest here, being home all day and working, then being 'off', hasn't really inspired me to write. Other than writing this, and some half baked book reviews, I haven't been exercising writing outside of work.
With my systems and goals regarding giving back to the community - that has been a full on failure. Due to the pandemic, meeting with the community is not allowed. Additionally, I need to get back into my nerd beers community and get some going around work.
Audible stats
- May topped with 24 hours and 57 minute listening time. With March and April around 11h 43m oddly enough, with April dipping to 8h 20m, and June at 14h 59m. I know the long time in May was due to my constant driving down to Oklahoma and back to Colorado. I complted Fooled by Randomness, The Infinite Game, and Call Sign Chaos. Sadly, I cannot go back to Jan and Feb, but that's ok.
Goals checkin
Copied from my 2020 Goals and Systems:
- Have listened (audible) to 40 books this year. AT RISK. Currently at 21, and that's both audible and kindle. Realistically, it's more like 20 each.
- Have read (physical or kindle) 40 books this year. AT RISK. Same as audible.
- Have finished writing a book draft for my first book. AT RISK. I could get this done, but I need to get the writing system going.
- Writing at least 2 blog posts a month. HALF. Need to keep writing and publish those that I've started.
- Have been present and aware as much as I could physically and mentally. ON TRACK. Visited family, date nights, travels planned.
- Practicing leadership with people I mentor or in the community. ON TRACK. Practice at work and with family/friends.
- Camped 10 different sites with friends and family. ON TRACK. Got a few more planned too.
- Traveled to two countries this year. CLOSED. Pandemic.
- Completed a meaningful project that helps people sell their used goods. CLOSED. Pandemic.. but mostly time and loss of desire.
- Given a talk at Ignite Boulder. CLOSED, Pandemic
- Have spoke at one technical conference. CLOSED, could do it, but would rather focus on traveling and working
- Get back to a healthy 185lbs and be healhy enough to train jiu-jitsu 3 times a week consistently. ON TRACK.