Ionic 2.0 Generators - Services
This is the second post in a series covering the new Ionic Generators in Ionic 2.0. In the first post, we discussed generating pages, let's focus now on generating some services to consume some JSON data via an http request.
Get the tools
Run this to get started:
bash Install Ionic CLI and start an Ionic application
npm install -g ionic@alpha
ionic start MyIonic2App tabs --v2
cd MyIonic2App
Generate the service
ionic g injectable MyDataService
You should see the service:
bash Run generate command
~/Development/testing/MyIonic2App$ ionic g injectable MyDataService
√ Create www/app/my-data-service/my-data-service.js
The basic blueprint of the generated service is as follows:
``` javascript Generated Data Service import {Injectable} from 'angular2/angular2'; import {Http} from 'angular2/http';
@Injectable() export class MyDataService { constructor(http: Http) { this.http = http; = null; }
retrieveData() {
//Here, we're going to get a JSON data file, use the map
call to parse json
// and finally subscribe to the observable and set our data
//to the value it provides once the http request is complete.
.map(res => res.json())
.subscribe(data => { = data;
}, error => {
console.log('Error with http.get: ', error);
## Wiring it in to be used
Adjust `www/app/app.js` to import the data service, as well as provide it for all of its components:
```js www/app/app.js
import {MyDataService} from './my-data-service/my-data-service';
template: '<ion-nav [root]="root"></ion-nav>',
providers: [Friends, MyDataService]
Use the service
We'll use the tabs starter dashboard page to pull data.
Let's modify www/app/dash/dash.ts
- adding an import for MyDataService
, adding MyDataService
to the constructore as an injected dependency, and finally adding the call to retrieveData
in the constructore method.
``` js www/app/dash/dash.ts import {Page, NavController, ViewController} from 'ionic/ionic'; import {MyDataService} from '../my-data-service/my-data-service'; import {About} from '../about/about';
@Page({ templateUrl: 'app/dash/dash.html', }) export class Dash { constructor(nav: NavController, view: ViewController, data: MyDataService) { this.nav = nav; this.view = view; data.retrieveData(); }
goToAboutPage() { this.nav.push(About); }
} ```
Additional information
If you've used Angular 1, you're probably familiar with promises to return your data from http requests.
Under the hood of Angular 2 lies RxJs that builds on promises, focusing on being repeatable.