I've been fortunate enough to be working on Angular 2 while being on the Ionic team.

I really enjoyed Pascal Precht's post about Dependency injection in Angular 2. One thing that I want to shed some more light on is how dependency injection works in an Angular 2 application using the @Injectable metadata thats passed for a class that's to be injected.

Quick tip: take a quick look at the Angular 2 cheat sheet to see some more of these Angular 2 syntax and API.

The basics of Depdendency injection

The gist of it we need:

1) A class with @Injectable to tell angular 2 that its to be injected - DataService
2) A class with a constructor that accepts a type to be injected

A solid example, DataService marked as @Injectable that also needs Http to be injected for its use:

import {Injectable, bind} from 'angular2/core';
import {Http} from 'angular2/http';

@Injectable() /* This is #1 */
export class DataService {
  constructor(http: Http /* This is #2 */ ) { 
    this.http = http;

What we have in the example above is a class, DataService, that needs Http to do what it needs to be done.

An example scenario

Let's say we have the following scenario, an angular 2 application with an app, a page for sessions, session details, speakers, and a data service that provides the data for those pages.

We'd want the app instance to instantiate the data service, then have a component schedule that can use the data service as provided by the app instance. From there, we'd have the session detail that also gets the schedule data from the data service.

The hierarchy would look like this:

      |             |               |
   Schedule      Speakers     Session-detail

All of these components will need the instance of data service.

We'll need:

  • A data serviced marked with @Injectable.
  • A schedule page
  • A schedule-list component
  • A speakers page

Say you have the following:

In www/app/service/data.js:

import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';
import {Http} from 'angular2/http';

export class DataService {
  constructor(http: Http) {
    this.http = http;
    this.data = null;
    console.log('DataService constructor');

  retrieveData() {
    .map(res => res.json())
    .subscribe(data => {
      this.data = data;

We'd also have our Application object, www/app/app.js:

import {App, Platform, StatusBar} from 'ionic/ionic';
import {DataService} from './service/data';
import {AboutPage} from './about/about';
import {MapPage} from './map/map';
import {SchedulePage} from './schedule/schedule';
import {SpeakersPage} from './speakers/speakers';

  templateUrl: 'app/app.html',
  providers: [DataService] 
    Here we're saying, please include an instance of 
    DataService for all my children components,
    in this case being sessions, speakers, 
    and session detail.
class ConferenceApp {
  constructor(platform: Platform, data: DataService) {

Then we'd have our speakers component, www/app/speakers/speakers.js:

import {Page} from 'ionic/ionic';
import {DataService} from '../service/data';
import {SpeakerDetailPage} from '../speaker-detail/speaker-detail';
import {SessionDetailPage} from '../session-detail/session-detail';

  templateUrl: 'app/speakers/speakers.html'
export class SpeakersPage {
  constructor(nav: NavController, data: DataService) {
    this.nav = nav;
    this.speakers = null;
    this.dataService = data;

  onInit() {
    this.speakers = this.dataService.getSchedule();

Now I want to point something out above. If we had the SpeakersPage to also have a providers: [DataService], we are telling angular 2 to create an instance of DataService to make it available for SpeakersPage's children, instead of using the DataService that ConferenceApp provided.

I repeat, we'd have two instances of DataService with this:

import {Page} from 'ionic/ionic';
import {DataService} from '../service/data';
import {SpeakerDetailPage} from '../speaker-detail/speaker-detail';
import {SessionDetailPage} from '../session-detail/session-detail';

  templateUrl: 'app/speakers/speakers.html',
  providers: [DataService] 
  // This will instantiate a new DataService for its children
export class SpeakersPage {
  constructor(nav: NavController, data: DataService) {
    this.nav = nav;
    this.speakers = null;
    this.dataService = data;

  onInit() {
    this.speakers = this.dataService.getSchedule();

This is very important. If we had a console.log statement in the DataService constructor, we'd see it run twice with the providers: [DataService] being specified.

One thing to remember, if at the root application you specify a provider, it will be available to all children components that it contains, unless you specify a providers that then will initialize a new instance of that provided class.

I hope this post helps clear up dependency injection in Angular 2. Now get back to coding!