4 min read
Testing Interceptor Headers in AngularJS
In AngularJS, you can set up HTTP Interceptors (middleware) to inject headers etc.
I had a service that I wanted to intercept every http request to our API service to attach a token that we consume to verify a user. This would only happen once a token is set.
Today I paired with Jeff French. We figured out how to test the AngularJS interceptors properly.
Things I want to test:
- Is the token only being attached when a token is set?
- Are the requests actually being attached via the interceptor
The service and interceptor look like this:
.factory('RequestService', function RequestService(){
var token = null;
var setToken = function setToken(someToken) {
token = someToken;
var getToken = function getToken() {
return token;
var request = function request(config) {
if (token) {
// jqXHR.setRequestHeader('Authorization','Token token="' + app.user.api_key.access_token + '"');
config.headers['Authorization'] = 'Token token="' + token + '"';
return config;
return {
setToken: setToken,
getToken: getToken,
request: request
.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
With just a few simple tests, I'm asserting a few things:
- I have no simple ParseError or ReferenceErrors
- Modules are set up correctly
- Interceptors are set up correctly
- My service is actually setting the token correctly
- The interceptor is attaching the header correctly
"use strict";
var httpProviderIt;
describe("Service Unit Tests", function() {
beforeEach(function() {
module('services', function ($httpProvider) {
//save our interceptor
httpProviderIt = $httpProvider;
inject(function (_AuthService_, _RequestService_) {
RequestService = _RequestService_;
AuthService = _AuthService_;
var RequestService, AuthService;
var $httpBackend;
var token = 'someToken';
describe('RequestService Tests', function() {
it('should have RequestService be defined', function () {
it('should properly set an api token', function() {
it('should save the users api token after saveUser', function() {
spyOn(RequestService, 'setToken');
it('should have no api token upon start up', function() {
var token = RequestService.getToken();
describe('HTTP tests', function () {
it('should have the RequestService as an interceptor', function () {
it('should token in the headers after setting', function() {
$httpBackend.when('GET', 'http://example.com', null, function(headers) {
}).respond(200, {name: 'example' });
it('should not place a token in the http request headers if no token is set', function() {
var config = RequestService.request({headers: {} });
it('should place a token in the http request headers after a token is set', function() {
var config = RequestService.request({headers: {} });
expect(config.headers['Authorization']).toBe('Token token="' + token + '"');
}); //Mocked HTTP Requests
}); //RequestService tests
Simple and sweet.