Building a chat client with Ionic / / Redis / Node.js
I wanted a fun challenge to push myself and cross a few things off my ever so growing I want to play with this
type of lists. I love learning, and there are so many awesome tools / utilities / libraries out there to evaluate its hard to justify incorporating them into every project at work without having some knowledge of the tools.
DISCLAIMER: I may use some tools incorrectly, but the main purpose of this fun little project was to learn and have fun.
The list was this:
The Idea
I wanted to build a chat client that would have messages that disappear after a certain time, much like SnapChat. The idea also included the ability to create channels that also disappear after a certain time like messages.
In future versions, I'd love to include location to join channels that are near you.
Users can join existing channels, or create their own. All users can see channels, and join any.
Tech details - using Redis / Node.js
At first, I wanted to create messages some how and have them each have expire
times. After failing miserably, I got the amazing chance to pair up with Michael Gorsuch to give me some alternative ideas. (Shameless plug - if you need to do some server monitoring, check out his project, it's AWESOME).
The concept is - instead of using separate keys with ezxpire times - use Redis' sorted sets with scores of the times in UNIX format and the member being a JSON encoded string. I had my channels keys in the format of messages:ChannelName
Something like:
//ZADD key score member [score member ...]
zadd messages:RedisChat 10581098019 '{"name": "Josh", "id": "5"}'
Now, when we want to get all messages for a channel, its simply:
//ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count]
zrangebyscore messages:RedisChat 0 10924019840
Since I was using Node.js - I simply used setInterval
to have a function be run that removes all old posts named removeKeys
, and looked as such:
//NOTE: Using Moment.js, as well as having channelWatchList being populated
var channelWatchList = ['Lobby', 'RedisChat'];
function removeKeys() {
console.log('We are removing old messages');
for(var channelIndex in channelWatchList) {
var channel = channelWatchList[channelIndex];
var messageChannel = 'messages:' + channel;
console.log('message channel', messageChannel)
var timeToRemove = moment().subtract('m', 1).unix(); //Remove messages before min ago
redisClient.zrangebyscore(messageChannel, 0, timeToRemove, function(err, result) {
if(result && result.length > 0) {
for (var resultIndex in result) {
var message = JSON.parse(result[resultIndex]);
//NOTE: Using
io.emit('message:remove:channel:' + channel, { message: message, channel: channel });
redisClient.zremrangebyscore(messageChannel, 0, timeToRemove, function(err, result) {
console.log('Removed ', result, ' messages');
The client - Ionic
This was by far the easy part. First I just used the Ionic CLI to create a basic app.
I started by modifying the index.html file to include Nothing too fancy: <script src="js/"></script>
Next, I used some AngularJS services for
angular.module('services', [])
.factory('socket', function socket($rootScope) {
var socket = io.connect(baseUrl);
return {
on: function (eventName, callback) {
socket.on(eventName, function () {
var args = arguments;
$rootScope.$apply(function () {
callback.apply(socket, args);
emit: function (eventName, data, callback) {
socket.emit(eventName, data, function () {
var args = arguments;
$rootScope.$apply(function () {
if (callback) {
callback.apply(socket, args);
Then, I constructed my AppCtrl
to handle my controllers interaction with
angular.module('starter.controllers', ['services'])
.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope, $state, $filter, socket, Auth) {
//Ensure they are authed first.
if(Auth.currentUser() == null) {
//input models
$scope.draft = { message: '' };
$ = { name: '' };
//App info
$scope.channels = [];
$scope.listeningChannels = [];
$scope.activeChannel = null;
$scope.userName = Auth.currentUser().name;
$scope.messages = [];
// listeners
socket.on('channels', function channels(channels){
console.log('channels', channels);
$scope.channels = channels;
socket.on('message:received', function messageReceived(message) {
socket.emit('user:joined', {name: Auth.currentUser().name});
socket.on('user:joined', function(user) {
$scope.listenChannel = function listenChannel (channel) {
socket.on('messages:channel:' + channel, function messages(messages) {
console.log('got messages: ', messages);
for(var i = 0, j = messages.length; i < j; i++) {
var message = messages[i];
console.log('apply with function');
socket.on('message:channel:' + channel, function message(message) {
console.log('got message: ' + message);
if(channel != $scope.activeChannel) {
socket.on('message:remove:channel:' + channel, function(removalInfo) {
console.log('removalInfo to remove: ', removalInfo);
var expires = removalInfo.message.expires;
var expireMessageIndex = $filter('messageByExpires')($scope.messages, expires);
if(expireMessageIndex) {
$scope.messages.splice(expireMessageIndex, 1);
// Controller methods
$scope.joinChannel = function joinChannel(channel) {
$scope.activeChannel = channel;
$scope.messages = [];
$ = '';
//Listen to channel if we dont have it already.
if($scope.listeningChannels.indexOf(channel) == -1) {
socket.emit('channel:join', { channel: channel, name: Auth.currentUser().name });
$scope.sendMessage = function sendMessage(draft) {
if(!draft.message || draft.message == null || typeof draft == 'undefined' || draft.length == 0) {
socket.emit('message:send', { message: draft.message, name: Auth.currentUser().name, channel: $scope.activeChannel });
$scope.draft.message = '';
$scope.logout = function logout() {
//Auto join the lobby
All of the code can be found on github here.
Things to improve
- Testing - for sure. I definitely failed in getting tests first
- Removing the inline functions from callbacks - not sure I like how I handled that to be honest
- Improve the UI
- Actually make the channels expire over time - and alert the user
- Have some kind of location tracking to pull local channels near you
Enjoy! Hope this helps any others learn some tips for developing in any of these technologies used!